Good news for our research projects and for the explorers who want to join us in our expeditions. Our vessel is finally registered and already operating!
Our first guest tried our Pigafetta’s Note – Adrenaline Sailing pack. We participated in the Christmas regatta, where after a disastrous start we managed to recovered 7 places back!
Orcas in Costa da Caparica
In the past day 4, we spot orcas off Costa da Caparica. We still din’t got the boat ready but that didn’t stop us, with got a ride from our neighbour, Terra Incógnita and we went to intersect them with a clue from our friends at Bolhas tours.
One big male Morales, 4 females one male juvenile (so it seemed) and one calf. These orcas belonged to Muesca matriline and it’s usual companions, all already known to Spanish research teams for a few years and are often sighted in the summer areas in Spain. It was at least the 3rd group that passed this year along the Portuguese coast but the only one we could find.
Biologists in sight
Biologists in sight were the first of many environmental education activities to be developed by ECCO Ocean!
An activity in partnership with the Sea Sciences Association and the Museum of Natural History and Sciences, where the 30 participants could have a glimpse of what it is like to be cetologist (biologist studying dolphins and whales).
This time we had to resort to our colleague Maré to exemplify how to collect data of dolphins, but next time we will have real dolphins!