Weekly Update November #4

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 22 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 1 dolphin species, the common dolphin
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater and Great Skua.
All tours rated 3 stars on our scale
We had to travel an average of 69Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h39 to cover it. On average we hosted 6 guests per dolphin watching tour and 1 seasickness cases, with the lunch saved.
Sea state was on average sea state 3.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.6 Kg per Km.
This following week we expect very good conditions for Tuesday 26rd and fair sea conditions for Wednesday 27th followed by bad weather until next week..

Weekly Update November #3

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 22 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 1 dolphin species, the common dolphin
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater and European shag.
All tours rated 3 stars on our scale
We had to travel an average of 83Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h58 to cover it. On average we hosted 6 guests per dolphin watching tour and 0 seasickness cases.
Sea state was on average sea state 1.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.6 Kg per Km.
This following week we expect near perfect conditions until the weekend, where Friday 22th afternoon is the best day. During the weekend and dragging for Monday 25th and maybe even Tuesday 26th the sea conditions will now allow tours.
But the biggest threat to our tour will be the lack of bookings. We have been going out with the minimum guest number and even cancelling few tours because there isn’t enough bookings, even making 10% discounts on the tickets!

Weekly Update September #2

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 22 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 2 dolphin species, the common dolphin and bottlenose dolphins.
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater and Great Skua.
All tours rated 2.5 stars on our scale.
We had to travel an average of 65Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h43 to cover it. On average we hosted 6 guests per dolphin watching tour and 1 seasickness cases.
Sea state was on average sea state 3.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.5 Kg per Km.
This following week we expect fair sea conditions except for Wednesday 13th and Friday 15thWith the best conditions forecasted for Thursday 14th and Sunday 17th.

The boat is back!

After a handful of attempts to splash the boat, just to find something unfixed every time… we finally managed to do a flawless test run today and we also did a full tour!!! Happy guests with +50 common dolphins.

The emissions went back to the old numbers… now we’ll focus our free time to try to fix the eco engine, hopping to be more eco-friendly next year.

Weekly Update September #3

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 20 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 3 dolphin species, the common dolphin, bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Cory’s Shearwater, Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater and European shag.
We had to travel an average of 61Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h51 to cover it. On average we hosted 12 guests per dolphin watching tour and 0 seasickness cases.
Sea state was on average sea state 3.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.3 Kg per Km, a 15% improvement from last year.
This following week tours will be done on slightly different boats, as our boat will be on extensive maintenance. Hopefully she will be operational on the first week of October. Weather forecast for Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th looks very bad and no tours will be done on these days. The weekend is looking better.


Weekly Update September #1

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 20 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 3 dolphin species, the common dolphin, bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Cory’s Shearwater, Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, Great Skua, European shag and Great Shearwater.
We had to travel an average of 57Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h35 to cover it. On average we hosted 11 guests per dolphin watching tour and 0 seasickness cases.
Sea state was on average sea state 1.
This following week we expect poor sea conditions from Tuesday 10rd to Thursday 12th we’ll very likely not operate on these days. Friday 13th and onward, we’ll be expecting near perfect sea conditions!

Weekly Update August #5

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 19 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 3 dolphin species, the common dolphin, bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins. We had 2 whale watching tours with Minke Whales, Fin Whales We also had harbour porpoises and Sun Fish
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Cory’s Shearwater, Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, Great Skua, Great Cormorant, Common murre and Great Shearwater.
We had to travel an average of 59Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h55 to cover it. On average we hosted 11 guests per dolphin watching tour and 0 seasickness cases.
Sea state was on average sea state 1.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.9 Kg per Km.
This following week we expect poor sea conditions for Tuesday 3rd and Friday 6th we’ll very likely not operate on these days. After the weekend, very good sea conditions onward!!.

Weekly Update August #4

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 19 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 1 dolphin species, the common dolphin
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Cory’s Shearwater, Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, Great Skua and European shag.
We had to travel an average of 58Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h41 to cover it. On average we hosted 11 guests per dolphin watching tour and 2 seasickness cases.
Sea state was on average sea state 2.
Our CO2 emissions were 2 Kg per Km, no improvement from last year, but we’re taking on more guests per tour.
This following week we expect good conditions in the mornings with Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th looking a bit windy on the forecast. The weekend and onward is looking very good, it seems that the stable conditions of Autumn will arrive sooner this year!

Weekly Update August #2

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 19 months since the last failed ocean tour. We sighted 3 dolphin species, the common dolphin, bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins. On average the tours rated 3.6 stars on our scale, where 4 tours had a rating of 4. No whale watching this week..
We had to travel an average of 62Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h46 to cover it. On average we hosted 11 guests per dolphin watching tour and 3 seasickness cases. Sea state was on average sea state 2.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.6 Kg per Km, a 14% improvement from last year.
This following week we expect good conditions for at the end of the week. Wednesday 14th looks a bit too windy, we’ll see closer if we need to cancel it…

Weekly Update August #1

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 18 months since the last failed ocean tour. We sighted 3 dolphin species, the common dolphin, bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins. We also saw harbour porpoises and Blue Fin Tuna. On average the tours rated 3.4 stars on our scale, where 2 tours had a rating of 4. No whale watching this week..
We had to travel an average of 60Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h56 to cover it. On average we hosted 10 guests per dolphin watching tour and 0 seasickness cases. Sea state was on average sea state 0.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.6 Kg per Km, a 14% improvement from last year.
This following week we expect near perfect conditios for Friday 9th and the weekend. Monday 5th and Thursday 8th also look nice..