The Northern Gannet (Morus bassanus) is the largest seabird in the northern hemisphere, with 1.8m of wingspan and is a constant presence in our expeditions.
Individuals of this species are easily identified by the “fluorescent white” and indistinctive forehead. Their flight is very effortless, spending most of the time gliding.
In the area of our expeditions, we mainly find juveniles, as the adults stay in higher latitudes. Like the seagulls, it is possible to determine their age (up to 4 years) by the portion of black feathers over the white.
They hunt fish that swim not too far from the surface and it is usual to see them diving like a missile to catch fish. With this behaviour, they can get to a depth of 10m and could swim down to 20m deep.
These seabirds can be sighted all year-round, as all non-reproductive individuals stay in Portugal during the summer. Adults can be also sighted off the breeding months (Summer).
The Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) is the third largest seabird in the area, with a wingspan above 1m.
They can be identified by the dark backs and white bellies.
Like the Northern Gannet, they fly effortless and ‘sail’ the winds between the waves, almost touching the surface with the wings.
This species breed in the northern Macaronesia islands and one coastal island north of Lisbon, that’s why so many of them can be seen in our tours during Spring to Autumn as they spend the winter in the Southern Atlantic (the opposite of the Great Shearwater).
The Great Shearwater (Ardenna gravis) is the second largest seabird in the area, with a wingspan above 1m.
They are very similar to the more common Cory’s Shearwater, but with a white collar.
They’re only spotted during late August-September, they’re a rare sight, during their anual migration around the Atlantic. Unlike the Cory’s Shearwater, these breed in the south Atlantic and are mere visitors in Portugal, coming from the British Isles, after having crossed the North Atlantic from America. They follow south to their breeding areas in the archipelago of Tristan da Cunha, in the South Atlantic.
The Balearic Shearwater (Puffinus mauretanicus) is the most common, being dark brown on the back and white on the belly. Just like a miniature version of the Cori’s Shearwater. This species is critically endangered but can be seen all year-round, specially after Summer, before (only) the adults move to the breeding grounds in the Balearic Islands.
The Great Skua (Stercorarius skua) is the second largest seabird in the area and it is an opportunistic hunter, preferring to steal catch from the previous seabird species.
Unlike the previous species, they don’t glide and need to constantly flap their wings. This makes them not adapted for gliding but with this behaviour they can have additional agility, enabling outmanoeuvring of the other birds during the chases. Their main characteristic is the full dark colouring with “flashing” white trap in each wing.
They are frequent during Autumn and Winter, as Portugal is the wintering grounds of this species.
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The Cormorant is normally seen close to the coast on the way out or return from the dolphins expeditions. Unlike the other seabirds, this species needs the land to dry its feathers. This is because individuals are not water proof! In order to be able to dive effortless they need the feather to soak with water.
There are 2 similar species in our coast: the European shag (Phalacrocorax aristotelis) individuals of this species can be found year-round as there are resident. And the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo) is all over the area during Autumn and Winter months. They are distinguishable from the shags, by the thicker beak, yellow and white cheeks and lack of a crest.. They are