We sighted 1 dolphin species, the common dolphin
Sea state was on average sea state 3.
After a handful of attempts to splash the boat, just to find something unfixed every time… we finally managed to do a flawless test run today and we also did a full tour!!! Happy guests with +50 common dolphins.
The emissions went back to the old numbers… now we’ll focus our free time to try to fix the eco engine, hopping to be more eco-friendly next year.
Our engine has made us cancel 2 tours in September, showing signs of malfunction and high consumption (that’s why we stopped updating improvements of our CO2 emissions). We took it to the mechanic’s and it needs specialized hands, lots of work to fix it and it is not sure if can be repaired this year!
Of course we will not let you wait that long, a replacement engine is coming this week and we that tours will resume on Wednesday 24th.
Meanwhile, tours will be conducted in slightly different conditions as the ones described, specially different boat and crew. For that we dropped the price as there will be no refunds if no dolphins.