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Weekly Update January #4

In the past week we found dolphins in our dolphin watching tour, 24 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 1 dolphin species, the common dolphin
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater, Great Skua, European shag and Common murre.
The tour rated 2 stars on our scale.
We had to travel 105Km to find the dolphins, which took ~3h50 to cover it. We hosted 11 guests and 0 seasickness cases.
Sea state was sea state 3.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.8 Kg per Km, no improvement from last year.
This following week we expect poor weather conditions the whole week, with the fall of wind storm Herminia today and Ivo on Wednesday 29th.Weather will only improve on Friday 31st and Saturday 1st, when the forecast is surprisingly good! Let’s hope that it stays that way!
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