Weekly Update December #5

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 23 months since the last failed ocean tour. We sighted 1 dolphin species, the common dolphin.
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, Great Skua and Great Cormorant.
All tours rated 3 stars on our scale
We had to travel an average of 68Km to find the dolphins, which took ~3h06 to cover it. On average we hosted 9 guests per dolphin watching tour and 0 seasickness cases. Sea state was on average sea state 3.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.7 Kg per Km, a 5% improvement from last year.
This following week only Thursday 2nd has favourable sea conditions, with the next good weather opening coming somewhere around the 10th.