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Weekly Update August #5

In the past week we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours, 19 months since the last failed ocean tour.
We sighted 3 dolphin species, the common dolphin, bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins. We had 2 whale watching tours with Minke Whales, Fin Whales We also had harbour porpoises and Sun Fish
For the bird watchers, we’ve seen: Cory’s Shearwater, Storm petrel, Northern Gannet, Balearic Shearwater, Sooty Shearwater, Great Skua, Great Cormorant, Common murre and Great Shearwater.
We had to travel an average of 59Km to find the dolphins, which took ~2h55 to cover it. On average we hosted 11 guests per dolphin watching tour and 0 seasickness cases.
Sea state was on average sea state 1.
Our CO2 emissions were 1.9 Kg per Km.
This following week we expect poor sea conditions for Tuesday 3rd and Friday 6th we’ll very likely not operate on these days. After the weekend, very good sea conditions onward!!.
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