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Weekly Update July #2

We missed the first weekly update of July, we found dolphins in all of the dolphin watching tours of the past 2 weeks.
In the past week, we took half an hour or less to find the first dolphin group in 56% tours and only in 3 we didn’t found at least a second group.We sighted two dolphin species, the common dolphin and the bottlenose dolphin. We also had one sighting of blue shark and sun fish. We also had fin whales passing by the bay on the 14th, but didn’t managed to meet them as they were too far south.

On average, we had 8 guests per dolphin watching tour and 1 seasickness case. Sea state was on average sea state 2 and we got one day with underestimated forecast and got sea state 5, we managed to find dolphins with just some legs wet!

This following week we expect windy afternoons. We only will do tours in the morning, as finding dolphins in the afternoon would rely too much on luck.

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