Monthly Reports: May

We found dolphins in 95% of the dolphin watching tours, an underperformance to the previous months (100%). Only one tour failed to find dolphins despite covering more than 90km. It was a case of forecast underestimation, the sea state of 5 forced us to severely restrict the search area to coastal areas and none of the dolphin watching boats found dolphins that day.

The Lisbon&Dolphins afternoon tours, had 81% chance rate of seeing dolphins.

We sighted 3 different cetacean species. The common dolphin was the most sighted dolphin species, followed by the harbour porpoise (which isn’t a dolphin) and finally the very large bottlenose dolphin.

On average we had 7 guests per dolphin watching tour and no seasickness cases. Sea state was on average sea state 2.

We started testing some upgrades, some proved to enhance the experience and to provide better fan service. In June we will start the implement fase for some of them.

We also made the first recordings for acoustics studies. Check out the ‘dolphinish’ language!